A regular day in Ghana – smile:
Arrived last night – no problems.  Except they lost two of my bags.  Oh well, the deaf met me outside, that was great!  Arrived at GIL.
Then the airport people called and said they found my two bags, so we went back to get them.  They were a little smashed, but everything inside looks ok
Then we went out to eat together and met Dr. Fynn at his restaurant (Southern Fried Chicken)
This was the first trip to Accra for one of the Evangelists in training.  He loved the airport – Amadu showed him around.  He wants to come back in the day time on Tuesday and see the jets.  He got to try “Ghanaian Pizza” for the first time, not too sure about it!
They all asked about the people from the past – smile.  Especially Karen and her broken hand, and Palmer with his “disease” (kidney stones).  Had a great time talking and got back to GIL about 11:00 PM to unpack.
This morning was hurry up and wait.  At 7:00 AM we arrived close to on time to pick up the Deaf, but if you know transportation – it is never a sure thing.
So took about 1 ½ hours longer than expected
Started class at 9:30 AM.  Half hour for lunch.  Then dinner 5:30 to 6:30
Just finished talking about 9:00 PM.  So I have a little time to send this to you.
I am glad I came – 3 Vicars and 7 of the leaders are here.  We are meeting at the ELCG office in the classroom.  Some of the people are also sleeping there at night.  We have already talked about the challenges of the Jehovah’s Witnesses – helping work through Bible Verses to use.  (Dacia’s note:  The Jehovah’s Witnesses are giving money for food to the deaf who attend their church.)  It is really sad to see all these people going to Hell because of their lies.
Our class this time if on Teaching the Faith.  We are doing a lot of practice on how to study, write, and prepare their classes.  Now their homework tonight is using the Catechism to develop topics and ideas to teach. 
Please pray for us, protect our travel, and for the Holy Spirit to work and guide us.
Thank you for your prayers and support!!

Pastor Reinke
Missionary-at-Large/Deaf, South Wisconsin District -- LCMS
Director, Deaf Institute of Theology