Ghana Update, January 13, 2006 |
God’s Blessings and greetings from Ghana,
We got our action packer cases checked in at the airport with no problems. Pastor Reinke met up with Jean at the incoming terminal and walked her over to our departing terminal. We were glad to have arrived at the airport almost 4 hours early because of check-in, passport verification, and grabbing a bite to eat before boarding. I, for one, was concerned about my carry-on pieces but we all were able to keep our luggage with us.
Our next adventure took us to Frankfurt, Germany, where we had enough of a layover for Pastor to take a shower and for us women to look in stores for postcards and stamps. Then came time to clear out of the gate area, line up, and check in! That was quite an experience as Pastor, Linda, and Jean each could only carry one of their two pieces of carry-ons. Made for some quick scrambling! Don’t know how I got through with my 2 pieces, but I did! This air bus was very crowded and had very small seats but did get us to Lagos. Our one-hour trip from Lagos to Ghana was a nice, empty craft, so we spread out.
We were met at the Ghana airport, packed up our eight action packers, our luggage, and 8 people into the van (2 had to sit with the luggage in the back!) Oh yes! And I DID get a hard lesson in saying “No!” to those wanting to help –not to mention wanting a hand-out!! We arrived at GIL (Ghana Institute of Linguistics) where we plan to stay 2 nights then off to the Ahodwo Compound where we will be teaching. Tomorrow we hope to meet with Dr. Fynn, have some lunch and do some shopping.
Pastor Nix is correct -so far, anyway- about liking Chinese-type food because that, basically, is what tonight’s dinner consisted of.
I think I can speak for the rest of the team when I say we truly feel blessed that we were able to accompany Pastor Reinke on this mission trip.
Blessings to all of you who helped make this trip happen and continue to pray for our work here. Karen |
Gooooood Morning!!!
I have slept! That is a good thing! I went 36 hours without a wink! Not a good thing if you want to write something that will make ANY sense! I’m still working on Chicago time, so at least I know what all my family and friends are doing at home. I have number issues that I can’t count 6 hours ahead (or is it behind?). Smile
We (Jean Nielsen from BC, Karen Hale from IL, Pastor Reinke and me) arrived here yesterday after MANY hours of sitting!! Our flights were “uneventful” but it definitely confines you. I had a HUGE bruise on my leg at the end of the flights, so I’m not sure if it was a blood clot thing. I will try to move more when we travel home. But I can’t sleep in moving vehicles because I don’t want to miss out on ANYTHING! Fortunately, I was near a window to see the lights of Germany, but then had a FULL view of God’s AWESOME work from Germany to Accra. WOW, flying with the SUN (what I haven’t seen in sooooo long) over the majestic Swiss Alps, then the Mediterranean Sea, then minutes later over the VAST Sahara Desert! This desert is HUGE!! Who lives in such a place? Just when the desert ended, it became lush green! These are places I have only read about. I found myself thinking of the people that inhabit these areas; the Nomads, the “yodelers”, and yes, even the people that were traveling on the cruise ships. What were all they doing? What are they thinking? Don’t they realize they are in a unique place? Then it made me realize how blessed I am for this opportunity. This may be the closest I travel like this again. There is a purpose for my journey. It didn’t really hit me my task at hand until we flew into Lagos, Nigeria. I have never seen such a depressed area like this before. For as far as my eyes could see from the plane: the open sewers, the abandoned cars, the “street” fires that were burning to replace the light at the end of the day. We are NOT in Kansas anymore! Flying over this area all I could think of were the children that live in this depressed area. Do they have any hope? Do they know that God loves them all? We are sooooooooo blessed as a nation! One has to see this firsthand to appreciate what we have.
Another hour in the air and we are in Ghana. For the next 3 weeks, this will be our “home.” We have LOTS to do!! Jean and I will be heading to 3 different Deaf schools (Cape Coast, Tamale, and ?????) to work with the many Deaf children. I’m very excited but a tad apprehensive. But the Lord has brought me here thus far; He will put in our heart what needs to be done. One of my favorite verses reminds me, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”( Joshua 1:9) With that and with all your continued prayers, I am strong! However, today? We SHOP!!!
God Bless you all, Linda |
Wow! What a fast paced and interesting journey it's been so far. Not only experiencing the people, but the sights, smells and texture of the city.
Today, we went to the ELCG headquarters, and met with various people, including Rev. Dr. Paul K. Fynn, who is its' head chief. This man impressed me as being educated and very aware of the Lutheran Deaf needs in Ghana, and wants very much to make things happen. He also asked us, as teachers, to make sure the gospel is clearly presented. He explained that Law is a strong part of Ghana Culture, and the people need to be told the gospel as clearly as possible to understand what Jesus is the way of life, and not a means to do good. Please pray for us teachers that we accomplish this!
After our meeting, we went to the Cultural Center, and we watched the magical chaos of "negotiating" with the sellers at the market. I couldn't follow a word that was being said, but it was all friendly and enthusiastic. All three of us ladies were able to buy dresses from the same seller, and as a gesture of "thanks", the seller gave us all a necklaces as gifts. It was great fun!
We ate dinner at a restaurant next to the ocean (Bright of Benin, I think it's called).and that was a great send off to the new phase of our trip tomorrow.
We'll get up early, and set out for Cape Town.the drivers will drop Linda and I off to wherever we're supposed to go, and there we'll stay for 5 days. We'll meet up with everyone else in Kumansi on Thursday afternoon, and hopefully, then, I'll have more to share.
In Christ, Jean Nielsen |