In recent emails, David Christudoss has kept us updated on what has been happening since we left India.  We wanted to share with you some of the news he has shared with us:
Sometimes we wonder what will happen because of our mission trips.  The Holy Spirit is renewing the vision for the lost with Rev. Christudoss and the leaders in India.  I thank God for His Grace and strength to His people and ask you to continue praying for God to guide and bless them!  I also thank God for your gifts and support that make this training possible. 
From David Christudoss:
Received on April 12:
Greetings to you in Jesus’ name.

We are conducting “Good Friday” service on 14th April for the Ambur deaf school students and for Deaf church in Ambur in different timings. The deaf from Tuticorin who were trained in Deaf mission now they come to the deaf school in Tuticorin with deaf adults and they conduct worship services. Mr. David Jayasekar, the teacher is with them during the service. I will be going their once again after Easter. The deaf mission training really has driven them to be very serious in their special vocation in deaf mission. Thank you and to Deaf Lutheran mission society.

First I am going to record the message this week and I have talked to the District channel office to broadcast once in two weeks. The same CD will be sent to other districts. I am planning to broadcast the messages twice in a month. This will not cost much since I myself can record with the video camera you gave. Only I have to pay for broadcasting charge and for making CD copies.

I am taking Bible class for 10th, 11th and 12th grade deaf students in Ambur school now. I am teaching important doctrines and the way how to read and understand the bible. The class is going on daily. Deaf adults are gathering in Tuticorin school and I am in touch with them guiding them to teach them Lutheran doctrines.

Yours in Christ,
India Deaf Ministry. 

Received on May 3:
 Regarding the video shooting of the messages I will make the first message in may for broad casting in district TV channels I have discussed with two district channels and they have promised to charge less to broadcast. First I am trying to broadcast once in a month. This CD’s will be sent to other district channels and then these messages shall be broad caste in any of the popular TV channel by which we can reach all the deaf in India at one time. This is a very big dream and plan and I hope this will be possible. The trainees of deaf mission training have been very actively involved after your inspiring speech, training and methodology in presenting gospel to the deaf. I receive reports from them that they have been fully inspired by the wonderful training. I am making trips to the deaf schools and deaf adult groups. Four deaf are being given continuous training in deaf mission in IELS. We will be having these four people for the deaf work in IELC after two years.
 Greeting to every one

God Bless. 
Yours in Christ.
Rev. D.S. Christudoss.
India Deaf Ministry.