Thursday Update:
We had over 75 people for the last two days. Up until Wednesday we had over 50 people for the full conference. Then different groups took off work to come and join us for the last two days. More of the teachers and Deaf from further away came to join us.
We talked about outreach and their plans for spreading the Gospel. We shared about the plans in America for training for the deaf, our work in Africa, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and Deaf Lutherans in other areas of the world. They did not realize we had Deaf Lutherans in so many countries!
They also discussed the problems they face. #1 is no money – sounds familiar. They also have a problem of other “Christian” groups coming in and stealing sheep. They will offer more money or say they can teach better or …..People do not have much money and are tempted.
That is very frustrating as the Indians work and train the people, then they leave. I know this happens in America and all over. If we are going to build His Church He wants us to reach the lost. If it is a Christian group we hope they would search for the lost, not steal those who are Christians. Especially in a country where there are so many lost.
But also they face the challenge of people who want to be secret Christians. They will study and learn about Jesus, but they will not be Baptized, or if they are Baptized, they will not tell anyone. This worries them as Jesus said if you are ashamed of Me here on earth, then I will be ashamed of in front of My Father in Heaven. Meaning if you are not willing to stand up and share Jesus here, you cannot go to Heaven! How can they help these Deaf to stand up and show their faith, to announce Jesus to their friends and family?
This is very hard. If you say you are Christian and your family pushes you out then you lose your place in society. They have many “castes” - levels of people groups. You are only to marry and social in your group. If your family pushes you out, then you cannot get married. This is very hard for most people. They want to have their family blessing. One benefit for some Deaf is the pressure to marry within your caste is less. But they want to blessing of their families.
It is hard to be a Christian. Many challenges!! Please continue to pray for these Deaf Lutherans.
God is blessing them – we pray He will also continue to encourage them and give them strength!
Friday Update
Today we finished our training!
The first in the morning we studied the story of Jesus and the Deaf man in Mark 7. We had a lively discussion on the fact it does not say Jesus “healed” the Deaf man. (Yes, he opened his ears and mouth) But most deaf do not see themselves as sick or needing healing. This amazed several of the teachers. One even went around and asked the Deaf if they wanted to become hearing – Almost all said “no” – smile.
We also discussed how they can do more today – they can open the ears of a deaf person? NO! They can do more!! Jesus wants us to Ephphatha – Open the hearts and souls of the Deaf with His Word! Which is better – physical healing on earth or Healing the soul with His Holy Spirit giving faith and forgiveness!!
The valedictorian (closing) services was grand. They give shawls to all of the supporters. They give awards to each of the churches and groups. They give speeches and speeches and speeches – smile!!! Thank God all are signed for the Deaf. Or I could not understand as they are also speaking Tamil
I heard about the work of Rev Lutz and Rev Rynearson and all the people who have supported the deaf work in India. I heard the stories of the LWML and ILDA helping to build the Deaf Lutheran Schools. It was great to hear the stories people remember and how many people God has lead to work in Deaf Ministry.
This was also a very emotional time. It is amazing how attached you can get in a few short weeks. There were a lot of tears as we said our “good byes” Not only among the Deaf, but also the hearing teachers, I did not expect that.
Pastor Reinke