Executive Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 2, 2005Present: Pam Kane, President, Greg Desrosiers, President-elect, Tim Johnston, Secretary, Erika/Jim Sipchen, Treasurer, Dave Brown, Deaf Lutheran (DL) Editor, Larry Ginter, DL Business Manager, Rev. Mark Seeger, Pastoral Advisor, Rev. Bud Palmer, Special Task Chair.
The meeting began at 1:10pm.
1. Opening Prayer: Pastor Seeger made an opening prayer thanking for the safe arrival of officer members and asking for wisdom and guidance on our business meeting so that we can glorify His Name. Also, prayed for the safe travel of ILDA attendees to the convention.
2. Devotion: Pastor also continued sharing the devotion about the stones and how the stones/rocks were used during the biblical times and stories. In the end, we are to be proclaiming God's works and Words not to sit like the rocks so it's the hope that ILDA members would be like that.
3. Executive Council April 16-17 Minutes of Cleveland: President-elect Desrosiers moved to accept the minutes as read the last time. Passed.
4. President Report: Pam Kane shared that it was a blessed two year term as President with no struggle or difficulties for that she was thankful. It was her prayer that ILDA will continue to grow. She thanked for the wonderful cooperation among the council members and knew that with God things can be very successful with His Holy Spirit.
5. President-elect Report: Greg Desrosiers handed out the copies of his report to be read. He was very thankful for the success of ILDA Host planning committee and looked forward to the continuing success. He shared that there were two motions with first one about the expansion of President term to be up to a series of two terms and the second one about having ILDA Convention be held every three years. These will be brought to the business session of the meeting on either Thursday or Saturday. There was a discussion of thoughts about these two motions. They agreed to hold off the discussion till the new business section of the meeting. He already gave a minimal basic survival course to the Hilton staff with ASL in order to facilitate with the convention attendees.
6. Secretary Report: Tim Johnston shared that it was with an honor and privilege to once again continue the secretary position for the third term. He was grateful that things continued smoothly. He shared a brief update and knowledge about the first motion but was not aware about the second motion. He mentioned about being contacted by Lester Ahls wanting to know if he would be interested to continue the position for the fourth term but he would pray and consider about it as he would like to give others an opportunity to serve this position. He shared the update about his having a new full time job and new laptop which would help his secretary position much better rather than relying others to loan him a laptop for the business meetings.
7. Treasurer Report: Erika greeted on behalf of Jim Sipchen who was unable to be with us due to his work commitments. He finished the full treasury reports but he hadn't had a chance to finish up with the IRS audits, yet although they were already audited by approved ILDA members last November. Erika commented that she is interested to run for the Treasurer position as it would be more convenient to continue the similar finances procedure that Jim began and continued.
8. Pastoral Advisor Report: Pastor Seeger regretted to inform that Convocation 2005 was cancelled because of only 3 registered so he sent back some donated money back to Mill Neck Foundation while he kept the other 10,000 money since that 1997 Convocation. The purpose of Convocation was to evaluate the previous goals and set up next new goals.
9. Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson Report: Pastor Palmer shared the updates of Deaf Ministry Task Force planning. One was the new name: ILDMS International Lutheran Deaf Mission Society so that would include all the deaf ministries planting and expansion all over the world like Arizona, Kansas, Africa, India and possibly Vietnam. They were trying to meet the callenges: Care for Deaf people and their families and DIT: Deaf Institute of Theology. He also clarified that there are two different DIT programs happening now with the first one as easier one for the lay leaders and is open for anyone while the second one as an advanced one for men only in becoming a pastor. There are four DIT students: Pat Munroe, Alan Rork, Duane Pederson and Ted Pulfar. The last two men were holding off until their personal health issue and circumstances improve, respectively. Our Deaf would need to take up more leadership and we would need to continue training all of our Members to be able to serve in the church and do the ministry.
He also made an important request that we need to continue praying and reaching out to more deaf people because the Deaf Lutheran churches were dying slowly somewhat. Since the deaf ministries were stated 100 years ago that something wrong or missing had happened even though there was nothing wrong with how the deaf ministries were established. He mentioned about needing to re-establish the Deaf Lutheran Camp which used to be led by Pastor Leber. Also, that Denise Pulfar is considering in planning deaf missionary trips to Jamaica and Mexico doing some evangelical works at the deaf schools. He also shared the updates about the deaf Lutheran ministry and school planting and establishment as well as Deaf Lutheran Seminary possibility in Ghana. In the end, he shared the list of prayer requests to be done. He thanked the Lord for many blessings He already gave to us as we continue to rejoice in His promise of love and forgiveness. It was his prayer that God will continue to bless and help us grow together!
10. The Deaf Lutheran Editor's Report: Dave Brown shared that he was happy to be back in the reins as the DL Editor although he announced his resignation two years ago and he seemed not able to be staying back that long as he continued to assist and work with Melissa Eichler who was the editor for the short time. Pam Kane shared about one time financial emergency surfaced in the fall of 2003 as the printing and postage costs went higher than the revenues from the $7.50 subscription so the council agreed to allow the increase to $10 per year for the subscription.
11. The Deaf Lutheran Business Manager's Report: Larry Ginter shared the blessing and reminder of Lord's word as mentioned in 1 Peters 5:6-7.that he continued to enjoy the privilege as the business manager for 8 years with everything going well as expected with the usual revenues, subscription signing up, renewals and so on. The account balance as of July 30th, 2005 was $3,078.12. DL already lost about 150 subscriptions (those 100 were from LCMS organization and members). Larry informed us about his efforts to raise some funds for the DL's travels. One of the ideas was to sell pens for $1.
12. 2005 ILDA Convention Report: Linda Desrosiers shared that everything was going so well as the committee worked so hard so it was in her hope that everyone enjoyed their convention experience. There was 178 registrants and about 5 registered youths (about 2 less than 5 year old.) 232 room nights were booked. They will still have to pay $4,000 for the meeting and banquet rooms even though they came for free if a certain quota of hotel rooms were booked up as done in practice in America but it was not the case in Canada. 5 professional interpreters were from Vancouver region while one from Hawaii and there were about 10 interpreter volunteers. There was a discussion in how they came up with the agreement in paying their interpreters.
13. Missions Project Chairperson Report: Erika Sipchen gave her report that the account balance was $21,741.42 and only 83 percent of project goal was met.
14. Old Business: Pam Kane mentioned that there was a delay in how the approved motion on By-laws revisions would be carried out because that motion failed to be printed in the Deaf Lutheran newsletter at least 90 days prior to the convention in Minneapolis. So the question was in how that approved motion could be carried out. After much discussions, it was agreed that we would go ahead and submit the approved by-law revisions to the printing for about 50 copies with a chosen colored cover. Also, Pastor Seeger suggested that we could collect $1-2 donations at the convention towards the printing costs.
15. New Business: Greg Desrosiers shared that there were only two motions being made which would be in our best interests be brought up and discussed during the Convention floor so that would save our time.
a. Additional term for ILDA President motion: Lester Ahls made the written motion to repeal the existing requirement that ILDA President may serve only one term of 2 years so that the President can continue serving another term up to 2 terms if the majority was voted on the additional term. There was a discussion about handling that motion so it was agreed to bring that up during the Board of Directors' meeting for the recommendation to be brought up to the convention floor.
b. Triennial Convention instead of Biennial Convention: The motion was made by Donna Wrights of Eastern region to have ILDA Convention be held every three years instead of 2 years. There was some interesting discussions since that would conflict with existing regional conferences' traditional scheduling, another revisions to the by-laws, etc. Greg Desrosiers suggested in holding that discussion until we hear any reasons/comments from Donna Wrights who made the motion on the convention floor.
Greg Desrosiers moved to close the new business session and adjoin the meeting as it would be resumed at 7pm tonight. Passed and the meeting was adjoined at 4:55pm.
Both pastors signed the closing prayers thanking for lending His hand on our hands and minds as we went through our business matters and discussions and for his continued guidance for our current convention and Ephaphatha Conference.
Board of Director's Meeting, Tuesday, August 2-3, 2005Present: Pam Kane, President; Greg Desroisers, President-elect; Tim Johnston, Secretary; Erika/Jim Sipchen, Treasurer; Rev. Mark Seeger, Pastoral Advisor; Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson, Rev. Bud Palmer; Dave Brown, Deaf Lutheran (DL) Editor; Larry Ginter, DL Business Manager; Janice Mancill, Central President; Jennifer Bonura, Dixie President; David Mason, Eastern President; Ronald Nester (rep for Glenda Haefner), Midwest President; Lee Ann Kotal, Pacific President.
Some chairpersons were present: Elmer and Diane Francisco, Right-Hand and Necrology; Lester Ahls, Nominating; Charles Kotal, Scholarship; Erika Sipchen, Missions Project.
Absent: Rolph Foster, Northwest President.The meeting began at 7:00pm.
President Pam Kane began the meeting in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Pastor Seeger led the opening prayer asking for the continued blessing on our business meeting to help us to His work 100% of time. The regional presidents stood up and introduced themselves. The Committee chairpersons stood up and introduced themselves as well.
Pastor Seeger also gave an evening devotion. He shared about how God used donkeys to show His glory, to teach us His lessons and to encourage us to have Faith.
President Kane asked us about any comments about previous Board of Directors' meeting minutes. There was a correction needed to be made as suggested by Charles Kotal. The correction was to be made on item 2B on the second board meeting minute pages. It should be "He completed his study with Pacific Southwest District Lay Leadership Training Program. He was now commissioned as Deacon (ordained.)
Greg Desrosiers moved to accept the minutes as corrected (seconded by Lee Ann Kotal.) Passed.
Reports by President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Pastoral Advisor, Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson, The Deaf Lutheran Editor and Business Manager were shared just the same as recorded previously in the Executive Council meeting as seen above.
President Kane emphasized that there will be no open new business motions to be made on the convention floor as they must be made at least 90 days prior to the convention and be printed in the Deaf Lutheran newsletter. There will be only two business motions. She also shared the announcement that Alpha Lutheran church in Rochester, NY received the approval in hosting 2009 ILDA Convention. There was no known 2011 Convention Host bid, yet. She informed that complaints were received about why no missions project would be in the America rather than in other countries. It was because they in America would need to write a letter requesting for financial/funding support from ILDA. So any new idea or proposal would need to be put into writing and submitted to Missions Project chairperson. She asked for the continued prayers to continue spreading God's Words, provide His continued strength and guidance on ILDA Host Committee.
President-elect Desrosiers greeted and welcomed us to Vancouver, a beautiful city surrounded by God's wonderful creations. He commented that Canadian folks consider British Columbia to be God's beautiful country. He hoped that there will be a good clean break on both expected revenues and expenses from the convention although the revenues would bring up to $65,000.
Secretary Tim Johnston came up and gave his short report the same as was shared previously in the above. He also clarified in how the new business motions could be handled since there would be no new business motions could be made on the convention floor. He also shared that he would continue to pray and consider about continuing the fourth term if it became necessary. However it would be good if another one would be interested.
Treasurer report was given by Erika Sipchen as Jim couldn't make it in person. The total income summary for 2003-05 was $23,625.34. The total expenses summary was $23057.91 leaving the net income balance at $567.43. Erika went through each item and detail for clarifications. There were some discussions, clarifications and concerns being brought up. Erika showed both overheads on the planned and expected incomes and expenses and they came out to be close with no serious difference. The Proposed ILDA 2005-07 Budget would call for about $15,000 in the total expected income and expenses, respectively. The financial reports were already audited by approved ILDA members but had not been audited by IRS, yet. Larry Ginter moved to accept the financial report (seconded by Brian Grabler.) Passed.
Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson shared some additional information that wasn't shared previously. The Task force committee members were Pastor Palmer, Pastor John Reinke, Jennifer Ceyannes, Denise Pulfer, Pam Kane, Alan Rork and Dennis Konkell. He repeated the emphasis that more deaf need to take up leadership roles. He noticed that the deaf in Ghana was very hungry for spiritual Words as opposed to those deaf folks in the United States. He repeated the importance in serving for the Lord rather than for the needed earnings. It would be very challenging for deaf to undertake. He explained about two parts of DIT program. Pastor Palmer invited Pastor Seeger to share about his church's involvement with Deaf Teen Christians activities which began with Christian Community project in NYC, then Calif, then Wisconsin and now planned to San Francisco. Also, his church started having deaf kids programs which grew up to a total of about 325 in 5 years. The kids were continually being kept busy doing various artwork projects. Somehow some kids had brought few new young deaf adults members as a result of hearing stories from the kids to Texas School for the Deaf staffers. Praises were given to the Lord.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30am by President Kane. The meeting would be resumed next morning at 9am.
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Present: Pam Kane, President; Greg Desrosiers, President-elect; Tim Johnston, Secretary; Erika for Jim Sipchen, Treasurer; Rev. Mark Seeger, Pastoral Advisor; Rev. Bud Palmer, Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson; Dave Brown, Deaf Lutheran (DL) Editor; Larry Ginter, DL Business Manager; Janice Mancill, Central President; Jennifer Bonura, Dixie President; John Mason, Eastern President; Ron Nester for Glenda Haefner, Midwest President; Lee Ann Kotal, Pacific President; Rolph Foster, Northwest President; Lester Ahls, Nominating Chairperson; Elmer Francisco, Right-hand chairperson; Diane Francisco, Necrology Chairperson; Charles Kotal, Scholarship Chairperson;
There were several visitors.
The meeting began at 9:10 am.
President Kane began the meeting in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pastor Seeger gave us the opening prayer thanking for another day to get together and work for His Kingdom.
1. The Deaf Lutheran Editor Report: David Brown passed out his DL report. He shared that ever since he resigned the editor position after Minneapolis ILDA Convention, he still hadn't really left the newsletter project. During Melissa Eichler's term as editor, three issues were able to be published. The next newsletter for Fall 2005 would come out bit late due to the current convention being held in August and his going to have eye surgeries in late August so he would do his best to get everything together to get the Fall issue out to the publication. The DL continued to be self-supporting with about 600 newsletters per issue (it used to be 800 per issue.) The annual subscription rate continue to be the same at $10/year so it would be with the hope that it could be increased to $12/15 due to rising printing and postage costs.
2. The Deaf Lutheran Business Manager Report: Larry Ginter passed out his report. He mentioned that it had been the long time that he had been with DL but he intended to continue doing so with his continued good health! He shared about how he handled various business matters with DL subscription, printing, folding, mailing and so on. He enjoyed the opportunity to work with Melissa Eichler who came aboard for few issues but she had to resign due to her family time needs. The number of subscribers had declined that it was about 600 newsletters per issue. There were discussion and clarification on how the DL salaries and subscription costs were handled. (See more of his report which was already shared during Executive Council meeting in the above.)
3. 2003 ILDA Convention Host Report: Janet Gehlbach gave her report on behalf of Mark Johnston, chairperson as well as John Krause, Treasurer, both of whom were unable to attend. Several reports were passed out. The 2003 convention was a success. The resulting net profit was $11,001.37.
4. 2005 ILDA Convention Host Report: Linda Desrosiers gave her report with great appreciation that her committee had worked very hard together the last two years that she looked forward to the rewarding success of 18th Biennial Convention to begin tomorrow although it was very overwhelming and challenging at times. It was further exciting that it was the first time ever to have a convention in Canada! There will be a keynote speaker, Rev. David Christudoss from India to share the updates about his missionary work in India. He had repeatedly sent emails thanking for ILDA's generous support of his missionary work and the invitation to have him come over and present to us. He would be presenting on Friday at the convention. Linda shared that she was delighted to have 8 workshops so it was her hope that these workshops will enrich our motivation even more for our Lord. There were 178 registered people along with 6 professional interpreters and ten student volunteer interpreters. She regretted to inform us that there would be no real-time captioning service due to high costs. She shared her thought in having a separate convention for ILDA adults and Jr ILDA youths so that better focus and energy could be handled better. About 60 would be going to Tour #1 Calpino suspension bridge while about 55 would be going on the Tour #2 Boat Cruise.
The meeting was held off for a 15 minute break time at 10:15 am.
5. 2007 ILDA Host Report: Jeff Padon's flight was delayed so his report would be shared tonight or at the convention.
6. Central Region President's Report: Janice Mancill gave her report. 2004 CR-ILDA Conference was held in Madison, WI by Our Savior Lutheran Church, Madison, WI. Janice Mancill continued the President position for another term. Pastor Mark Anderson wasn't able to preach at three churches in Cary, Rockford and Wooddale due to his family problem so prayers are greatly appreciated. Both pastors Palmer and Reinke went to Ghana last Oct. Next CR-ILDA conference will be in Cary, IL next May, 2006.
7. Dixie Region President's Report: Jennifer Bonura gave her report that DDLC (Dixie Deaf Lutheran Conference) was held in Morrilton, Arkansas (the Lutheran Camp on Petit Jean Mountain near Little Rock, AR.) Jennifer Bonura accepted to be the new President. Next conference will be held at Camp Lone Star in La Grange sometime in October. She shared the updates about eight deaf congregations in Dixie Region but some didn't send any report so she didn't have any further update. She shared the report from Pastor Seeger on the happenings in Austin, Texas that Youth Ministry Program is growing from 1 to over 325. Pastor said it would not be possible without large number of wonderful volunteers. They had another ministry project which was Youth Service Trip and it had been successful, too.
8. Eastern Region President's Report: John Mason passed out his report. He greeted us with a message in Christ. He shared that Wayne Borngesser was now president-elect and he would become president again after John's president term. Christ Deaf Lutheran church in Silver Spring, MD gained 9 new members from confirmations and transfer plus lost some due to relocations of members. Pastor Friedrich teach New Testament Greek class every year in the Spring. There were no Lutheran college students participating in the campus bible studies. John shared the reports on other deaf congregations but he received no further information on some others in the Eastern region. He was pleased to report that his church continued to work very hard in preparing next 19th biennial convention hosting. ER-ILDA conference was held in Ocean City, MD and it went very well. The next upcoming ER-ILDA conference would be held in North Carolina sometime next year. There were 5 functioning deaf congregation in the Eastern Region.
9. Great Lakes Region President's Report: Brian Grabler shared his short report on GLRC which was held in Columbus, Ohio last year. The next GLRC will be held in Toledo, Ohio. He received a word from Pastor Dunseth of Detroit that they no longer wanted to be part of GLRC but there was no official letter. He reported that President-elect Robert Gore passed away recently. Deaf Pittsburgh church continued to be standing but without a pastor as Pastor Mark Ruppert went to hearing church.
10. Midwest Region President's Report: Ron Nester came as a representative in the place for President Glenda Haefner who regretted being unable to attend. 2004 Midwest Conference in Lincoln, NE was cancelled due to low number of registrations (soaring gas prices at that time.) 2005 Midwest Conference was successfully held in Olathe, Kansas. Officers were re-elected for another year as no one else were interested so the entire officers were willing to continue the service for another year for the Lord. He shared the updates on pastors for the deaf in other states. Pastor Leighty decided to resign from Word of God Lutheran Church, IA and would be relocating to Fort Wayne, IN to be near his daughter's family. this coming September.
11. Northwest Region President's Report: Rolph Foster gave his report about his NW Region. NW Region Conference was held at Shoshone Base Camp in Idaho last July, 2004. Faith Lutheran Church in Spokane, WA was the host. 49 attended. Pastor Seeger held 3 workshops. Next NW Conference will be hosted by Western Washington Lutheran Church of the Deaf in Seattle, WA in August, 2006. Pastor Hank Drummond accepted the call to be pastor in Miami, FL. Deaf Lutheran Bible Camp will be held during August 11-14 in Big Fork, Montana.
12. Pacific Region President's Report: Lee Ann Kotal gave her report. She shared that Pilgrim Lutheran Church of the Deaf had some ups and downs. Deacon Charles Kotal continued his service as deacon for third year despite his health problems and would eagerly continue to serve for another year or two. There were financial struggles as well. There were other ASL interpreted church services in Anahiem, Carpenteria, San Diego and Burbank. Pastor Roy Dahmann continued his preaching at Memorial Lutheran Church in Fremont, CA as well as other church in Sacramento. Pastor Rowland was no longer a pastor in the area. Pacific Region of ILDA conference was held last October. There was a new effort to establish the contact with deaf Lutherans in Arizona. Deaf Youth Camp (founded by Pastor Leber) will be held on Aug 14-19.
13. Necrology Chairperson's Report: Diane Francisco greeted us in Christ with a report on necrology. She wasn't able to get much updates but she tried her best in collecting and checking more. She passed out copies of necrology report which contained list of deceased ILDA members, photos and obituaries.
14. Nominating Chairperson's Report: Lester Ahls greeted us in Christ. Lester commented that he had served and been with ILDA for many years that he felt like he was coming back home to see and be with us all as one wonderful loving family in Christ. He was grateful to be able to attend this convention in such beautiful country. He was asked to replace Past President James Swallory who had to resign on account of his and his wife's health problems. It was very difficult to find well-qualified members who were willing to be considered to run for certain positions. He mentioned about the standing motion to allow president to continue another term while president-elect continue another term, which he thought to be a very good motion due to good reasons. John Mason expressed the interest to run for president-elect and Erika Sipchen expressed similar interest to run for treasurer position.
15. Missions Project Chairperson's Report:
2004-2005 Missions Projects Report was shown on the overhead as follows:
2004-2005 Missions Projects
1. DIT/Zacharus Fund - $7,000
2. ILDA Public Relations/Video Project - $5,000
3. Starfish Learning Center - $3,000
4. Ghana Outreach Training - $2,000
5. India Outreach Training - $2,000
6. www.DeafJesus.org - $3,000
7. Brazil Outreach Training - $1,500
8. World Mission Deaf Mission Society - $1,500
(Under Deaf Ministry Task Force)
9. Pax Natrua Ranch (Canada) - $1,000
Total - $26,000$21,741.42 was earned so far as of August 2, 2005. About 83% of the goal had been reached. There would be a new proposal for two more new mission projects so the tentative list would be as follows:
Tentative 2005-2007 Missions Project
1. Ghanda Lutheran Deaf School - $7,000
2. Deaf Lutheran Ministry (ILDMS) - $5,000
3. Starfish Deaf Learning Center - $4,800
4. India Outreach Training - $2,000
5. Rev. Leber Deaf Lutheran Youth Camp - $1,500
6. Youth Service Project - $5,000
7. VBS, Sunday School, After School Education - $7,000
Total - $27,300There was a discussion on the uncertainty in maintaining ILDMS fund and how more projects can be added, rearrange the projects and requested funding amounts and so on. One wanted more information about Starfish Deaf Learning Center. Pastor Seeger proposed two additional funding ideas on Youth Service Project (Christian Youth Community trip projects) and VBS, Sunday School and After School Education - a developing project wish by Jennifer Knaack Ceyanes to help with curriculum development.
The meeting was put on hold at 12:35pm for lunch break. Pastor Seeger did the prayer for both meeting and lunch.
The voting was taking place on each proposed mission project item. Pastor Seeger came up and signed a prayer to give us the wisdom as we do the voting wisely with the help from Holy Spirit.
Proposed Items #1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were passed except for #2. The total missions project would be $27,300. Lee Ann Kotal (seconded by Diane Francisco) moved to accept the proposed Mission Projects listing as seen in the above with item #2 removed. Passed.16. ILDA History/Video Project Chairperson's report: Tim Johnston shared a message from Alice Hagemeyer who wished that her report which was received in the email today to be forwarded to the Board of Directors. It was
17. Scholarship Chairperson's Report: Charles Kotal gave the report informing that he had served on the committee for ten years but during the last three years there were so many changes in our Deaf Ministry such as some cuts by the districts on the deaf ministry and the like. He had not received any application from the seminary students in St. Louis or Fort Wayne. However the DIT program continued to provide theological education program. We had few students who were now in the pastoral level and had completed missionary work in Ghana, Africa. We would need to focus on DIT students to become church workers for the deaf. In the scholarship fund, we had $36,000 which couldn't be kept too long as it would need to be spent and provided as financial assistance to our DIT students. Charles would like to contact Sandy Green and Rev. Roger Altenberger to get the list of student names who would be in the upper pastoral level that would be qualified to receive any financial assistance from our scholarship funds. Mark S. Larson, Arlington, Kansas, who was currently in Master of Divinity Program at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis had asked for financial support. He had an interesting information of his continued involvement and interest in serving with Deaf ministry. Pat Munroe, who was currently studying to become Deaconess, would be interested to receive some assistance but Charles would like to interview her for more information. Brian Grabler moved (seconded by David Brown) to give $1,000 to each Mark Larson and Pat Munroe. Passed.
18. Right Hand Award Chairperson's Report: Elmer Francisco reported that there were four nominated and three were of similar service and other one was a new person. The vote on one person was already taken but will be announced at the convention.
19. Old Business: Greg Desrosiers shared with us that few of 2003 ILDA Convention motions were referred to the Law Committee but there was no action on any of them. Pam Kane shared that there was one motion relating to giving a second term for the president position but that motion had to be held off because of missing one important step by appearing in the Deaf Lutheran newsletter at least 90 days prior to the convention. That motion was carried over and was already printed in the Deaf Lutheran issue several months earlier. One motion called for changed ILDA Convention format to have less business meetings but more workshops. Past President Swalley referred the motion to 2005 ILDA Convention Host committee which already took the action on it that we now have 8 workshops. Greg shared that host committee's financial support request to Mill Neck Foundation came back with smaller financial support than in the past since they were interested to see more improvements in our convention. He also shared that ICDA (Catholics) had larger number of workshops than ours like 40 so it would be the time to make more changes and improvements.
20. New Business:
a. Second term for ILDA President Motion: Lester Ahls came to the floor and recited his motion that ILDA President's single term should be expanded to 2 terms. He shared his rationale that the president may appreciate an additional term to continue his goals and ideas into second term and that in the event of not finding any qualified candidates for the president-elect position so the president could continue another term. He requested that this motion would receive the full support. Rolph Foster seconded the motion. The vote to accept this motion on the convention floor was passed.
b. Triennial Convention Motion: The motion was made by Donna Wright of Eastern Region to suggest that ILDA Convention be held every three years so those who want to attend can afford after saving some money over the time. Greg Desrosiers made a point that this motion needed to be brought over to the convention floor because a representative wasn't here to support that motion. Pam Kane wanted to share her concern about the motion as that would create an impact on ILDA Constitution, By-laws and so on as the changes would be needed to be made, president term be of three years instead of two, regional conferences be held every 3 years and the chaos might happen. There were additional points being made that this motion might not be in good favor.
c. ILDA History Book Sale Price Motion: Diane Francisco made the motion to accept the sale price of $5 on the bounded books of ILDA History which would be collected towards Ghana Mission Project. The motion was seconded by Larry Ginter. Passed.
d. Donation of ILDA History book Motion: Lester Ahls moved to donate a free copy of ILDA History book to Archie Marshall since he drew our first ILDA logo. Seconded by Brian Grabler. Passed.
e. The Deaf Lutheran Newsletter Subscription Rate Motion: Rolph Foster made the motion to increase the subscription rate to $12 per year for The Deaf Lutheran newsletter. Seconded by John Mason. There was quite a number of discussions. The voting took place. Failed.
f. JrILDA Registration Motion: Jennifer Bonura passed out a copy of letter written by Ron Taylor of Houston, Tx who has deaf daughter about the registration cost issue for ILDA Convention. Pastor Seeger shared an additional information about the issue in trying to make Youth Service Trip happen but failed due to some difficulties. Few others shared their thoughts and suggestions. Pam Kane move to table that motion to next ILDA Convention in 2007.
g. ILDA Debit Card Motion: Erika Sipchen made a motion that ILDA Treasurer establish a new debit card. Pam explained the good rationale for needing a debit card so that it could be used in the circumstances where personal ILDA checks weren't accepted. Seconded by Janice Mancill. Passed.
Greg Desrosiers moved to close the new business. It was adjourned at 3:00 pm. Pastor Seeger signed the closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tim Johnston
ILDA Secretary