Article VII
ILDA Chapters
Section A - Representation 1. Any congregation or groups of congregations in ministry with
deaf persons may establish an ILDA chapter. Section B – Election 1. Each ILDA chapter shall submit nominations for the following
officers: president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer. The offices of
secretary and treasurer may be held by one person. Only ILDA members of this
chapter shall be eligible for election as officers and the term of the office
shall be two (2) years. 2. All chapter officers shall be elected by ballot by the ILDA
members of the chapter who attend the meeting. A majority of all votes cast
shall be necessary for election. All elections and appointments of the ILDA
chapter officers shall be reported to the president of their regional branch. 3. Any ILDA chapter officer may at any time be subject to
removal from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote for either of two reasons: 1)
neglect of duty or 2) conflict of interest. 4. When an office vacancy occurs, the ILDA chapter president
shall appoint a member to fill the office for the remainder of the term.
1. The ILDA chapters of each regional branch shall encourage: a. Participation in the ILDA chapters of each deaf congregation
and/or field for the purpose of better communication between the ILDA chapters
and their regional branch. b. Opportunity for members to plan programs, projects, and
goals to raise funds for their regional branch and/or the ILDA.
1. Regular meetings of the ILDA chapter shall be held at least
once a year at a previously established time and place. 2. Special meetings may be called by the ILDA chapter president
or by any ILDA member. The business transacted shall be limited to the business
specified in the meeting notice. 3. Twenty (20) percent of the ILDA chapter members present at
any meeting shall constitute a quorum. 4. Adequate and reasonable notice of meetings shall always be
given so that the ILDA chapter members will have the opportunity to attend and
participate in the chapter meetings and activities.
1. The ILDA chapter officers shall administer the affairs of
their chapter according to the purpose, policies, and procedures of the ILDA.